Aug 5, 2022


Be friends with yourself, love yourself, forgive yourself, if you did a lot of mistakes or sin in the past... stop feeling guilty about it and move on, move forward. You don't need to say sorry to everyone, just forget it and don't do it again, be better this time, thinking about the past and feeling regretful about what you didn't do or do that is stupid is just a waste of time and energy, you have to keep moving forward so you will be able to forget all of your problems. You will feel much better if you will move forward, stop being hard on yourself, stop feeling guilty for the things that you can do better but you didn't. You're just a human being, you are allowed to commit sins, look bad, do foolish things and make mistakes, stop trying to change everything that was already done because you don't have the power to do it. The only power you have is focusing on the now and giving your best. 

Focus on the process and enjoy life, stop dealing with the results, stop dwelling on what is done, past is past, you can never change it anymore. Keep in mind that you have a job to do, you have a goal to chase, your life will become stuck forever if you don't do something about it. Just keep pushing and you will find a way, you will discover what you are all about. Feeling stuck in the past, always thinking about it will only make you depressed and weak. Why choose to become weak if you can become strong, it's just a matter of focusing on the right things, focusing on activities that's making you more powerful. Forgive yourself and move forward, there are still better things to come, your past is just a chapter of your book, you can rewrite your life by trying to focus on the present moment and do whatever it takes to become happier and successful. 

Once you find yourself thinking about the past... forget it right away and change your thoughts with better ones. Because your thoughts are controlling you, you need to be mindful of what you're thinking so you will be able to control your life. If you can watch your thoughts 24/7 then you will be in a better place. Stop letting these unwanted thoughts dominate your life, you have to train yourself how to change a negative or useless thought right away. The default thought should be what you wanted to happen in your life, not the thoughts about past or failures. Become a master of your own mind, you need to control your mind or else it will force you to do things that are not even connected with your values and beliefs. 

It's about time to free yourself from the past, it is nothing, it can never help you nor make you happy. All the past does is make you feel sad, guilty and depressed. Past can never help you, you can think about it all day long but this will only make you useless and weak. If you want to get stronger physically and mentally... forget your past and focus on the present moment, magic is happening at the present moment, just trust life and always move forward no matter what. Always remember that if you're not moving then you are losing, always take actions even if you're not prepared, the time will never become perfect, you have to devour every opportunity may it be big or small. 

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