Aug 15, 2022


If you want to change but you can't change then don't. Stop changing but if you want to have a better life then add some habits that will put you on a better position to succeed. Focus on building a new habit, focus on your goal and get serious with it.. this kind of approach will eliminate your bad habits without forcing anything or trying to deprive yourself. Just go all the way for your dream, be happy working for it and you will change automatically without having to force yourself into something that you don't like. It's simply about being serious with what you want and believing that it will happen, that's how to force change into your life. Stop feeling guilty about yourself if you've been lazy today, think about what you want or what you want to achieve and focus on it. Just keep going, never care about the results and focus on the concept, the concept is to keep trying and simply enjoy the process. If you can choose to become a doer then you've already changed, you've already arrived to where you want to be. It's not the final output that counts, it's what you're doing now. If you wanted to become a beast then act like one, stop talking, stop trying to look cool and just focus on getting better everyday. 

Go to your highest level. Work as hard as you can, give your sharpest focus, give your all, do whatever it takes to win, believe harder, think bigger and always trust the process. Believe that anything you're doing is making you successful and better. Just push and prioritize what you really want, what you really want to achieve, believe that hard work pays off all the time and never feel sorry for yourself if you're giving everything you've got yet not getting anything in return. Just take the process seriously and never ever give up. Always remember that you don't need to feel good, you just need to push forward and hunt that dream everyday. Feeling good and being confident is overrated, nobody will ever feel that, life is really hard but you can make it easier by just accepting that it is hard and simply follow your passion. 

Don't force yourself to change because you will fail, just dream bigger and aim for a better result. You can only do that by increasing your effort. Just work harder than yesterday, every time you find yourself not doing anything... start and do something. Never waste your time, time is really precious and irreplaceable, you have to use your time for doing something positive that will make you closer and closer to your dream. 

Don't hate yourself, have no regrets, stop judging yourself and always think that what you're doing is right. For as long as the action is positive, for as long as you're not hurting anybody... you are right so just keep going and never stop. Don't change, stop being aware that you're not changing and simply focus on doing what is best for your life. Wanting to change means wanting the results right away, you don't need the results, you need to focus on the process. 

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