Aug 27, 2022


You can't hit the target because you're not serious, you're playing vide games and scrolling too much on social media, you're too focused on what other people are doing and that's why you can't make a progress. Stop being a bum and just do it, dedicate all of your energy to it, if you want to make it happen then make it happen. Stop wasting time and giving  too much energy for other people and useless things. It's time to own your life, if they can become successful then you too can become successful, shoot for the stars and never stop shooting, you will hit it in just a matter of time, just be patient and take your time. Never take your eyes off the goal, you must look at it all the time and think about it 24/7. Take massive actions and never hold yourself back, you must define what you need to do and follow that game plan forever. Stop doubting yourself, stop thinking that you won't get it, you will get it if you really want it, you will go to the extreme, you will do the impossible, nothing can stop you.  

You can dream about anything you want just make sure you are willing to make sacrifices and stop doing your bad habits. Don't try to look for a specific way on how to get it, just go and get it. Your job is not to ask how to get it, your job is to push forward and do whatever it takes to win, it's not complicated, it's hard but it's too simple... work as hard as you can and believe it to the bottom of your heart. You have to want it so bad like you can't live without it. Shoot for the stars, you have the right to dream about anything if you will really work insanely hard and never give up until the end. Because nobody is going to shoot it for you, you have to go and get it like your life depends on it. If you can have thins hungry mentality then you will become unstoppable. 

You can work super hard today, remind yourself about that. Never feel bad if you didn't get any results, try again tomorrow. Make it a habit to become a doer and not an overthinker. If you will just work every single second then you will become very close to success, you will go to a different level. Use today as your starting point, never hesitate, never stop, never give up. All it takes is one decision, are you going to all in or not? are you going to give your all? stop wishing for something if you're not willing to use all of your energy and time for it? if you're half ass committed then you're not going to win. Just keep going because the universe will help you, it will conspire, you will see clues, you will see improvements but you have to take it seriously, you have to use every second of your life for shooting for the stars. 

It's all in the mind, every time you feel like struggling it's because you're looking for result already, stop looking for immediate results and just keep taking baby steps every now and then. Don't waste time whining and complaining why you're not getting any results yet. Success will come on the right time, you just need to wait and be patient. 

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