Aug 1, 2022


If there is something trying to distract you, entertain you, make you spend your money, make you choose laziness... that's an opportunity. It's a sign that growth will happen if you choose to pick the harder option and that's not biting into that trap. If something is trying to offer you fun but useless activity... never do it, don't sign in to that, you need to say disciplined and committed to goal. Because success is not a matter of winning, success means choosing the harder activity that has a potential to give you something back in return. Success simply means avoiding the good times, avoiding the temptations and choosing to get better by doing the right thing that will help you to improve your life. That's the best formula for success... once you find yourself pressing the remote control of your television... stop it, once you stop it... you already grow. Success is very simple, choose to get better, choose to stop wasting your time. If you can use your time for improving then you will get closer and closer to success. It's simply practicing delayed gratification everyday. You stop spending your money, you unsubscribe to netflix, you don't eat desserts, you don't go to parties, you don't procrastinate. 

It's simply about developing a mental muscle to always choose what is more important. If you can just stop scrolling on your social media account, if you can just stop gossiping, if you can just stop watching TV all the time then there is a big change that will happen into your life. All you have to do is embrace the boredom, stop having too much fun because it's making you weak and slow. There is no progress in watching TV or watching porn, there is no improvement in trying to see all the posts in social media. If something is tempting you... don't bite into the trap, stay focused with your goals, stay focused on taking it one step at a time. You need to really get strict on yourself and stop choosing the easier process because it will never give you anything. Chasing success is really hard, if it is easy then everybody will get it, as simple as that. If you really want to become successful then prepare yourself for a lot of stress. 

The key is to be mindful of what you are doing. Always see yourself, watch what you are doing and thinking, you have to accept if something is not making you improve and stop doing it. It's simply a matter of eliminating your bad habits that are easy and fun. Most bad habits are easy and entertaining but it will only make your life harder. You need to push yourself to do the right things that are hard. It is hard because you're not trying to love it, it's hard because you don't even want to try, it's hard because you're not loving it. You have to learn how to appreciate every work if you want your life to become easier. 

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