Aug 22, 2022


are you pressured at your work? are you pressured of the recession? are you pressured because you think what you're aiming for is larger than life and it's your only last chance to get it? the truth is... you should never feel any pressure at all. This life is just a game, it's just a matter of who can stay calm and detach with everything that will win. If you can just think that nothing is bigger than your life and that you're already lucky to be alive then you will never feel any pressure at all. This life is just a one time experience, you have to devour every experience that you can experience and never feel bad about something that isn't worth worrying about at all. Why worry about something that is not really important? the money, the fame, the success... you can have all of these but never feel bad if you can't have it now. 

Everything will fade, everything will end, everything will become weak. All pain will end, all suffering will end, there's no need to pressure yourself. Just persevere, just don't quit and you will be relieve in just a matter of time. There's no pressure to get anything, you don't need anything, you just need yourself and your belief. Pressure is self inflicted, you are pressuring yourself for what? you don't need to become scared like that. You have nothing to lose, you have everything to gain, treat this life like a game... get what you can get but never feel bad if you can't get it. Have fun with the process because time is fast, you need to devour every second, create an opportunity for yourself if you can't get it. This is just a mind game, the more you think positive the better your life gets. 

You can ask for anything you can get anything but don't pressure yourself if you can't see any traction. This is life, you win some you lose some. There's no pressure to perform perfect but always give your very best. Allow people to criticize you, allow people to dislike you but don't ever try to please them, just be yourself, just give everything you've got and never allow anything to stop you. You can become unstoppable if you will allow yourself to try and just move whenever you need to. Detach from everything, just be yourself and feel excited with the process. Enjoy life, enjoy trying, enjoy persevering. Never take anything personally, just try and focus on winning. The world is yours, this life experience is a one time thing so make sure you do everything you can to see your full potential. 

Pressure is only in the mind, you worry a lot, you overthink a lot. You're always anticipating pain, failure, problems that are not real. If you will just learn how to let go then everything will become a lot easier. Just detach from anything that's making you worried and all of your fears will go away. Think that everything is not a big deal. If you lose, got rejected, fail, got humiliated then it's fine, embrace all of it and just keep moving forward. 

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