Feb 21, 2018


Finish the drawing even if you feel that the outcome will become ugly, finish painting the door of your house even if the paint is uneven. It's all about finishing it and not aiming for perfection, great outcome is good, greatness is good but what if you can only do less? what if you can only produce a mediocre output? aren't you going to take it? you need to take it and never think if it's ugly or not, the key so success is to always finish something. Sometimes ugly feels great especially if you did it the hard way, if you struggle to finish it, even ugly is considered as art. If you feel something about it and you really feel passionate about it then it's fine, forget about their reactions, forget about their comments towards your work... just finish it.

Perfection is just an illusion, even the most expensive car has flaws, even the smoothest hollywood celebrities has insecurities. The idea about being perfect is not real, it's only a hype. So if you need to finish something... just give your best to finish it, don't rush, take your time but if you're running out of time then just go hard and go really strong. Forget about the outcome, have the freedom from outcome. Producing something is better than making excuses. I'd rather pull the trigger than hope to become a winner, even if the journey gets ugly... just take it and finish it.

Just pretend that you're not making any mistakes, just pretend that everything is alright, forget all the flaws and shortcomings, forget the imperfections and never talk about it. Act as if something wrong didn't happen.... that is how to move forward in life.

Nobody will judge you, you will never hear their critics if you will never listen to them. Listen to your heart, listen to your instincts telling you that you must finish it no matter what. Do it even if it's ugly, just do it and forget the results. They may laugh at you, they may ignore your work, they may give you a very low grade but so what? at least you finished something.

Finishing something is better than dreaming about something. You will be the judge if your work is ugly or not, if it gives you happiness while doing it then it's beautiful, you don't need to ask for someone else if it's beautiful or not, you don't need to seek fro their approval.

There is always a beauty in ugliness, there is always a beauty in everything so even f it's ugly, someone will still appreciate it, it will still sell. Keep doing your thing and forget about greatness, focus on your work and make it magical. Push it to the next level for as long as you can.

Some people were always thinking about greatness and perfection, they don't know that it's a step by step process, they don't know that they have to endure the rough times and push to the very last part until they finished.

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