Feb 27, 2018


The answer is very simple... you live your life according to your terms. Never follow people that is making life difficult for you. Build a circle that is making you inspired and motivated even more. Work hard than anybody else, make sure you're outworking them. If you don't have any shining inheritance, any out of this world skills then hard work is you only ticket to become a king. You don't have any choice but to choose hard work. You can outshine great people by working harder than them. It's really that simple, yeah it is hard but the strategy and formula is very simple... outwork them all. Double or triple your hard work. Always remember that there is another level of hard work that you can achieve, always remember that.

If you really want to become a king then you need to sacrifice, sacrifice like never before. DO something that  not all people can do. Live your life differently. Never quit until you become successful, accept that it's hard but still work anyway. Always give your best and never quit once you started something. Build an identity of not quitting. Let's say you start a business, never close that business until it becomes successful, never give up even if your financial status is in danger. A king will always rise up to the occasion, he will thrive during hard times, he will not just survive... he will thrive. He will give his life just to win the battle, he is not afraid of dying or getting exhausted. A real king will fight until the end, he will push further than anyone else.

Don't follow an idea that is not appealing to you. Always follow your heart, be open to a lot of ideas but be selective, always choose what really makes you happy. You will never become successful if you're just imitating somebody because he is making a lot of money. Find your own process, invent a technique that you will really love doing forever. Be different, be creative and methodical. Repeat something over and over until you find the real process that fits you.

If something bad happens... just move forward, forget the tragedy and face another adversity. Always face challenges, never shy away from challenges because those things will make you better, tougher and smarter. Experience a lot of experiences, never hide during stressful situations. You must show them that you're willing to take charge and you're always ready to win. But don't be afraid to lose too because not all the time you will win.

Choose not to be a follower, never be commanded by a leader that doesn't work harder than you. If you will follow then follow the real deal, follow someone who has proven a lot of things. Not someone who is just a rookie in life. Becoming a king is a very long process, you really need to go all out and give your best every second of the day. Strive to become the best version of yourself, always push yourself to reach another level.

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