Mar 1, 2022


Don't hate yourself, stop judging yourself too much, stop criticizing yourself. If it's what you did is all you can do so be it, don't look for more, don't look for what is missing. Just appreciate that you did grind and you never give up. Because the point here is you should give your very best win or lose, you should stop procrastinating and devour every second that was given to you. Stop belittling yourself, stop remembering your failures and simply move forward all the time, do whatever it takes to become successful. If you already did your best then there is nothing else to prove, just let success come, if it comes it comes if it didn't it didn't, so be it. You can still try again tomorrow, you can still make tweaks and changes, you can still improve, life is a journey, there is no need to rush but don't ever slow down and waste your time. You can still do something magical with your life, it's all up to you how are you going to do it. Forgive yourself if you failed and move on, stop blaming yourself because you already did your best, and even if you didn't give your best and you play safe because you don't want discomfort... still forgive yourself, it's ok. 

Try again, don't waste time overthinking and crying about the past. If you can do something now... do it without any hesitation, just do it, don't think too much, stop worrying and just do it. It's going to be easier this time because you already knew what to do, just do it and forget about making mistakes. Don't be afraid to fail again, don't be afraid that you need to go back from the start. Just keep going even if it is hard, try again even if you're hurting, take actions even if you're emotionally damaged. Just keep moving forward all the time and do whatever it takes to succeed. Always bring your A game, never exert a weak effort, never waste any single second, make every moment of your life productive. Be happy hustling and grinding, fall in love with the struggle so you can solve it fast. Never waste your time for stupid entertainment that will make your life worse, you have to be selective of your actions. Make an inventory of your daily actions and see where are you wasting a lot of your time. It's time to become an animal, it's time to push yourself to the limits. 

If you really want to become great then you need to move forward all the time and never waste any single second for useless activities that will only pull you down, you have to change your mindset, stop being emotional, stop feeling too much entitled, if you really want to have a comfortable life then you have to give it to yourself because nobody will give it to you, you have to push really hard and give everything you've got. 

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