Mar 18, 2022


If you wanted to see a tremendous result in your life... discipline yourself for one whole year. It's ok if you don't have an extravagant or detailed plan, it's ok if you're struggling just make sure you don't waste time. Just work as hard as you can and be very close to your goal, take it one step a time and never stop. If you're already too tired then rest but don't do some other things like checking the hottest bitch on facebook because it will only lead to procrastination, it will make you develop a bad habit, it will entertain you but will make you useless. Close your eyes if you need to rest, sleep if you need to rest but don't ever waste a lot of time doing stupid things because it will be the reason of your failure. Rest if you're resting, don't do some stupid things that will make you so comfortable to the point where you don't want to go back to work anymore. Discipline yourself for one whole year, detach from information and subjects that are not related to your goals. Stop thinking about people, events, news that are not even connected to your goal, you have to be really strict here, if you want to go to a different level then you better stop wasting time. It's too simple right? just don't waste your time, anything that is outside of your goal is a complete waste of time, you better be careful with what you're doing because it has a domino effect later, it will either push you to the top or pull you down. Everything that runs in your brain can either help you or make you worse. If you really want something then that's the only thing you should be thinking, watching and doing something for. Never let your energy and attention be used by other people or subjects that will not even help you to get closer to your goal, be mindful of your thoughts and actions because that's the key to achieve greatness. Always remember that if something is not helping you to get better... get rid of it and never give it any single second. It is what it is, you should really have a military type of discipline and mindset here, it's not going to be easy but it's doable, too doable. Just use your energy only for things and activities that will set you up for success. Never let any entertainment distract you or eat a lot of your time because it's a mortal sin if you're chasing greatness. 

You will only feel stressed for the first month, once you were able to choose the habits that you need to develop and fully implement them... life will get easier, you will improve fast, you will be able to attract better opportunities that are connected to success. Start disciplining yourself now, disconnect from anything that will never help you to win. 

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