Nov 3, 2019


The real meaning of power is not about domination or becoming the number one, it's not about being popular or being liked by everyone else, it's not about being on top all the time... the real meaning of power is not giving up and challenging yourself to go further. Because most people can feel powerful and confident once everything is going well but once they felt the pressure and problems arises... they look weak, they were stunned and go crazy.

If you want to know your real power... chase something great and never quit. Never quit even if it hurts so bad and you can't see any progress, never quit even if you're bleeding bad and almost losing your mind. Real power is about enduring something and still fighting to win. So if you want to really see the limitation of your power... do something impossible, pick a stronger opponent, face your fears, chase your goal alone, leave everything on the line and never stop until you win.

True power is not being a bully or making noises, it's not about having fun and becoming successful fast. I know a lot of personalities who made it to the top so fast only to fall so fast and get lost in the long run, they never made a come back anymore, they're mental weakness was exposed big time and they can't figure out what to do next. The real meaning of power is facing the pain even if it's too painful, it's facing everything and embracing the danger. You don't know what's going to happen next but you're so sure you can handle it. It's feeling the state of abundance even if there is scarcity around. Real power is not all about feeling good and confident, it's about being scared and terrified but still fighting and doing your best to win the battle.

So don't ever feel bad when you are getting dominated, don't ever get threatened when you're losing. Always remember that it's not the fastest, strongest, most talented, most hyped who always win... the real winners are the ones who never give up forever. Because those people who are winning now, those people who are winning fast will quit in just a matter of time. They don't know how to handle real success and power because they haven't faced any adversity yet.

If you really want to know how powerful you are... pick something that is hard to get and never quit. See what you are made of, see how will it change your psychology. 

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