Nov 17, 2019


Unknown is the right path, unknown is the way to greatness or progress. If you keep on doing what you already know then you will get the same results, there is no progress, there is no evolution. But if you will push yourself to the unknown and simply enjoying the discomfort and fear then congratulations... you will live a new life. You will discover something new, you will experience how it feels to become great. Don't be scared of the unknown, all you have to do is take it one step at a time, be committed to that little push that you're going to do, push yourself little by little and don't be afraid of what might happen next. The best thing about the unknown is it's a surprise, you may fail, you may embarrass yourself but there is a growth behind it.

You don't know how to do it, you don't know the next step, you don't know the outcome but for sure it's a great feeling after facing the unknown, it's a good good feeling. You will see what you are made of, you will discover your full potential, so go through the unknown and see what is in there, I am very sure there is a reward hiding inside of it. All it takes is starting and pushing forward until you see the finish line. It will be uncomfortable, it will be scary but it's the only path to see what you haven't seen before. Just do it, just start it, it will never feel perfect and secure but you will never see what is possible if you don't embrace the discomfort and pain.

And when you're done facing the unknown, you will find out that it's not that difficult and scary. You will find out that it's just a normal thing that you see in your daily life, there is nothing special about it, there is nothing spectacular, you're just afraid of it because you haven't experienced it yet. So just feel it, embrace it and keep being scared of it. That fear will turn into courage in just a matter of time, every time you face your fears and face the unknown... you become stronger and stronger, you become mentally tougher.

You are unlimited, you are powerful than you ever thought of yourself, you just can't unleash the beast inside of you because you're not allowing yourself to become free. Embrace the unknown no matter how risk the situation is, you will only have a peace of mind if you think differently and face what you are scared of. It's ok to become scared, it's ok to make mistakes and fail but don't ever hold yourself back because you already failed by doing that, you already sell yourself short by having that kind of mentality, set yourself free by trying and taking matters into your own hands, handle the truth, take full responsibility of the outcome of your life. The key to greatness and success lies within the unknown, it's time to face what you do not know. 

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