Nov 13, 2019


Depression nowadays is epidemic, it's like a disease that spreads so fast and if you're not ready for it then you're really in big big trouble. Some people were just making dramas about it while some are really experiencing it. Whether you are really into it or not... always remember that depression will never last forever, it is not there to stay on your system forever, it will soon go away if you will just do the right thing and think the right way. Depression is just a drama it becomes worse because your're not taking actions. So the best thing to cure it is to move, the easiest move that you can ever do is walk. Go outside and walk, just walk, keep walking... sweat a little bit and keep walking. This will solve your problem, this will make you think the right way. Just walk and that's it, do this for at least 30 minutes to one hour, one hour is much better but 30 minutes is fine too.

Because you are erasing all of your worries, hate, troubles and fear if you are moving. Moving creates hormones for happiness that will keep your system in balance. Just walk and that's it, it's ok if you jog too. Just shut up and just move... that's how simple it is.

95% of people who recovered from depression just move that's it

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