Nov 11, 2019


You will still do it right? you still want to do it right? you want to make it happen and it's your responsibility to make it happen. So why wait? you can move now, you can take actions now, waiting game is the number one game of losers. The question is are you a loser or not? you need to take actions now before it's too late. Because not all the time you will be given a time, not all the time your situation is good. So do it now, stop waiting because it will only make your life worse. Waiting will kill your momentum, it will destroy your confidence, if you can pull the trigger now then do it. Timing is overrated, the right time is now, so make things happen before it gets worse. Because you lose your power and trust in yourself every time you delay something, life is fast, success loves speed, if you can simply decide to do it now then you will attract better circumstances in life. Stop waiting too much because it will poison your mind, it will lead to over thinking and it will paralyze your whole body.

Opportunities will only be attracted to you if you can build your own momentum little by little. It will only happen if you will take the first step. No matter how ugly it gets, no matter how imperfect your first step is... that is already a momentum, that is already a bridge to create better steps later. All you need to do is start and go further and that's it, it's not even complicated at all. Yet why you can't start? it's because you're worrying about your looks too much, you prioritize how you feel too much, you're acting like a diva, you take care too much of your identity. If you want to express yourself to the fullest then you need to destroy your identity, you need to destroy the illusion that you are now allowed to make mistakes. Forget what people say and focus on your own journey... that's how to create a better life.

Elevate your status by doing it now and forgetting what might happen in the future. Real life is happening now, follow your heart and do what you want to do, do what is needed. Always remember what life do you want to have and simply focus on trying to make it little by little. Disregard all the actions that are stopping you from evolving. Sometimes you want to do something because it is easy, convenient and fun but the truth is it just tempted you, you really don't want to do it because it will not even give you any form of result at all. 

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