May 31, 2018


You're not great, you're not even in top ten so why will you choose to become conservative? stop acting like you have an image to protect, stop acting like you're so big and you're not allowed to make some mistakes.

So do what you need to do and never stop, just give your best and let the universe take care of the rest. Focus on the process and never focus on the result, always think that you are nothing so that you will be able to free yourself and become more creative.

Nobody is watching you, you're not great, you're not being judged, just focus on taking actions and become the best as you can be.

If you're thinking that you're big and you need a special treatment or respect then you will never be free, you will not be able to do things that you want to do, you will never allow yourself to make mistakes anymore, you just wanted to win but you don't want to lose anymore.

Always think that you're just a normal person and you have nothing to lose, if your mind gets easily affected on what other people are saying then you will become weak, you will feel that someone is always watching you and you need to please them.

Destroy your identity, always do the things that scares you, forget about what people are trying to say... just keep moving forward and never stop until you win... that's the best game plan ever.

If you think that you're not great then you will never expect a lot of things from you, you will just do your thing without feeling any pressure at all, you are ready to lose everything that's why you will get everything.

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