May 9, 2018


You are the one who is blocking your own way, you are doing stupid things that are making you so slow and unproductive. You keep on entertaining fears that are not real and will not even exist, fears manifest itself because you keep thinking about it and you keep worrying. The truth is everything is easy and it will be very easy if you will just let go and set yourself free.

What if you just do what you need to do and stop thinking about the time or the outcome? stop thinking if it's right or if people like it, stop thinking about the time needed to accomplish it.

You are making things harder because of thinking too much, life is not about thinking, it's about enjoying the process and getting results little by little. Worrying will make your life ugly because you are inviting hell into your life by doing it, things will get harder and harder if you will worry and not enjoy the moment.

Just do it and forget about the smooth ride, forget about creating magnificent outcome... just do it and enjoy the journey, if the result is ugly then accept it... at least you did it your way and you enjoy the process. Some people will make conservative choices but they will feel bad in the end because they know that there is something bigger waiting for them but they didn't get it because they were too scared to fail.

You are blocking your own way because you're always thinking that you have to do it perfect and fast. You're always looking for an easy way that doesn't exist. It will become easier if you will enjoy it, you will become faster if you're not thinking about making mistakes. Accept that you will make mistakes and keep moving forward.

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