May 25, 2018


Of course you have time, don't ever make an excuse that you have no time that's why you can't do it, the truth is you have time but "you don't have time for it", you have time for some other things that doesn't matter, you have time for habits that will put you down. You have a lot of time for things like watching TV, staying in social media for so long, surfing non sense things that has no benefits, chatting with your friends in messenger... basically you really have a lot of time but you're not using it right, you have a poor time management skills.

It's not about being busy, it's about what is your priority, if you will not prioritize making money then you will never do it even if you have a lot of time for it, if you will not prioritize giving time for your family then you will make a lot of excuses, you will use your work as your number one reason for not making it to the birthday party of your daughter.

Value what you really want, stop blaming time and telling the world that it is not enough, stop acting like you're the busiest man in the world if you're really not, you're just making excuses... you better get your head right or else you will never experience the real value of life.

If you really want to do it then you will have a lot of time for it but if not then you will find all the funniest excuses in the world.

You don't have time for exercise but you have a lot of time playing video games, you don't have time building your own business but you have a lot of time going to the mall and buying stupid stuffs that makes you even poor.

You have a lot of time but you're not using it properly, that's the main reason why up to now you're still failing.

Value your time very well because not all the time you have time, time will come and you will run out of time.

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