Dec 27, 2017


Face it now, don't do it later, don't do it tomorrow... make the best solution now and stop procrastinating. If you want your fears to go away, you have to face it now and do the best that you can do, be one with that fear until it goes away.

If you will not face it now then it will scare you even more. For example, if you accidentally break the favorite flower vase of your mom... tel it to her face right now. I know she will berserk and might shave your head but you have to tell it to her. Don't hide it, don't cover it, tell it to her because if she's the one who discovered it... god luck to you, she might jail you in the bathroom and won't give you a dinner.

Face the pain, don't worry about anything else. Don't worry if you will get scolded, spunk, punished etc. Face your responsibility, don't shy away from it. The more you postpone it, the more you will get stuck, you are making your life even harder if you're too scared to face it. You put yourself there so be courageous enough to get yourself out there.

Face it, say it, do it, finish it. If you need to say sorry, say sorry. If you need to tell your friend that you can't pay the money you borrowed from him, tell him. Don't assume that everything is alright if you just ignored it. Everything will become worse if you don't have the courage to face it.

Of course you will feel bad once you faced it, of course there will be stressful situations while solving it and talking about it but always keep in mind that your're the one who's responsible for all of your actions and no one else. Face it now because it is the only way to feel better, once you tell it, once you confront it... you will feel better especially if people who needs to know it knows it.

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