Dec 20, 2017


If you will drive, you must drive with confidence to avoid accidents. You must know what you're doing. Don't be like others who are pretending they know something, be someone who really knows what you're doing and make sure that your safety should be prioritized first. Driving is fun but make sure you know your responsibilities of being a driver.

1. Practice first inside a subdivision. Practice is everything, don't act tough and drive in the highway right away. Practice first where there is lesser cars. Inside the subdivision is very good, there is lesser stress and traffic, you will be able to focus more on learning how to drive. Practice and practice until you master the basics, once you got bored driving inside of a subdivision... it's time for you to go out, drive somewhere else where you will enhance your driving skills more.

2. Never use a speed that you cannot handle. Stepping on the gas is fun, you will feel the strength of your vehicle, you will hear the sound of your engine. But make sure you can handle the speed that you are using, never get reckless because speeding too much will make you lose control, you are putting yourself in danger if you are using the speed that you can't calculate.

3. Bring with you a more experienced driver. If you just started driving for a few days... it is better to bring with you a more experienced driver, you will become more confident if you know that someone is guiding you. You will have someone to ask if you don't know what to do. Once you feel that you don't need a chaperon anymore then drive your own but for the meantime, swallow your pride and have someone to guide you.

4. Never mind the people beeping at you. Never rush if someone is forcing you to step the gas, it's their problem if they were behind you. Just stay relax and calm, you hold the steering wheel, you're always in control. Never let someone disturb you because they want to reach their destination faster. Let them overtake you if they can but don't ever change your speed because that will cause an accident.

5. Take it slowly. Stay calm and relax, never panic during stressful situations. Driving is fun but the same time stressful, don't ever let stress get the best of you. If you need to slow down then slow down. It is better to be slow but sure than fast but dangerous. No need to rush because you will reach your destination no matter what speed you use.

6. Don't let your ego take over. If someone who overtakes you, let him be, never fight his speed, never retaliate. Just let it go, it's just an overtake, it doesn't mean anything. So what if they are waster than you, at least you are safe and you don't have problems.

7. Obey the traffic rules. Don't be a rebel when it comes to traffic, know the rules and obey them. If you are obeying the traffic rules then it means you know what you're doing. It's ok to be slow because you are obeying the traffic rules. Usually the cause of an accident is the people who disobey the traffic rules.

8. Stay with the basics. Again, control your ego. Just do what you know and never copy what other people are doing. If they always change lanes, don't copy it. Do what you can do best, stay patient because no matter how slow you are you will still reach your destination.

9. Always be a defensive driver. Prioritize your safety first, stop trying to look cool just to impress your chicks. Prioritize your safety and also the safety of your vehicle. Don't be cocky putting an exhibition on the road, stop being offensive... always stay on defense because it's the safest style.

10. Pray. Pray before driving, it will give you an additional confidence, praying will make you feel more secured and protected against the danger on the road. Trust it, trust your prayers, it was already heard before you even speak it.

11. Always stay focus. Eyes on the road, don't ever let a sexy woman distract you. Don't let a luxury car get your attention. Always eyes on the road. Don't talk to passengers if your mind is not stable yet. Ignore them if you can't answer them. You know it in yourself if you can involve yourself in a conversation or not.

12. Don't abuse the road. Consider the road as sacred, respect it, don't abuse it even if you know it very well. Stop over speeding, consider the other people driving around you.

13. Don't think that you know everything already. Always play safe, even if you're already a good driver... stop taking risks that are not worth taking. Regrets will happen in the end, it is not in  the beginning. Always stay humble because you don't know when accidents will happen. Stop acting like a king on the road, always continue to learn some techniques that will make you drive more safely and efficiently.

14. Memorize the way. It is better if you know the way so you will never get lost, accidents will be minimized if you know the tricky signs on the road, the shortcuts and the right technique to rive your car on a particular area. There are some areas that are hard to drive but it will be easier if you memorize the way. You can memorize the way by remembering all the necessary details needed while you pass on that way.

15. Be generous. Give way to others, give way to someone who is trying to change lane. Never rush someone who is slow because maybe he is just a new driver. You're also a new driver before so you must understand how it feels to be confused and scared. Being generous will lessen the accident on the road, it will lessen the tension.

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