Dec 19, 2017


You think there are lot of obstacles in your life? you think that the government, economy, your stupid boss, your wife, your personal problems are the ones making your life miserable and hard? You want something but you can't get it, why? because of those disturbances that you considered as your dream destroyer? No no no no no, there are really no obstacles to make your dreams come true, there is only one real obstacles and it is not a person, event or thing... it is your FEAR. Fear stops you from being great, fear stops you from doing what you want in life.

Fear is a traitor, it is telling you to stop because it's dangerous but the real danger is not doing it. Fear will immobilize your body, it will make you worried. It will play inside of your head and will show you what are the bad consequences that might happen if you continue doing it. But the truth is... fear is not real, it is only an imagination, it becomes stronger and stronger because you're not moving. The only way to destroy it is through taking actions... right away. Not tomorrow, not later, not next week... take actions now so your fear will go away.

What if you have no fear? what will you do? how do you think will you act? what do you think will you have? if you can destroy your fear then maybe you are rich now, successful now and everything that you are dreaming of is in your hands.

You don't need special talents to become successful, you don't need a rich parents to support your dreams. All you need to have is the willingness to take risks, you don't need anything, all you need is yourself and the habits required for becoming successful. Build the habits now, kill fear, never let it live in your life.

The truth is fear will always be there but you can beat it time and time again, you can defeat it everyday by taking positive actions that will provide the solutions. Always remember that it's just a feeling. You can defeat it by being slow, staying calm and taking actions. It's so simple, ally you need to do is start. Never rush take your time and make something happen. Don't wait because fear will become stronger by doing it.

If you let fear dominate your thoughts then you're in big trouble, you will be freeze, you will not be able to move. So once you feel it, once you find yourself being stuck into something that you don't know... take actions, do something, stop waiting to feel good... just move and make a momentum.

It is easy to beat fear... just take the risk, take actions, do something... it's that simple. Many people think that fear is something that is hard to beat or get rid of but the truth is fear is just a state of mind. It is just a feeling, you are worried about what others are thinking of you that's why you are so scared to take actions. You are so worried about their comments and opinions of how you look that is why you can't even express yourself. So the best thing to do is forget people, forget about how they think and react, forget about their facial reactions... just do your thing, never stop.

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