Dec 29, 2017


The greatest way to become confident is never be afraid to look like an idiot. Never be afraid to try trial and error method.

If you're lost in a city that was stranger to you... ask people, ask for directions. Never be afraid to look like you're lost or ignorant. It's normal, have the courage to ask, never be afraid to look like an idiot. Never be afraid to ask because asking will give you confidence. Yeah, you feel like stupid now but once you learned that asking is not a big deal, once you learned that you get answers from it then you will never be afraid to ask again next time.

Never be afraid to try something, let's say you're eating in a fancy restaurant because your boss treats you... never be afraid to try foods that you don't even know how to pronounce. Never be afraid to try the to eat the food in your own way. In other words, never be afraid to look like an idiot or ridiculous.

Don't be afraid to try your idea, if you have an idea that you think will succeed or at least give you pretty decent amount of money... try it, never be afraid to execute it. It will succeed if you work hard, and even if it fail... at least you try, you will become confident because of that experience. Keep failing until you win, you will become confident because you're taking actions.

Absorb the criticisms, mockery and hate. They will laugh at you, they will look at you as someone who's crazy or trying hard but just keep going, keep doing your thing. Don't be afraid to feel bad because of their comments, absorb all of them. This will make you tough and confident. Once you surpass the stage of caring about what other people say... you will never care about them in the future. You will be free to do things on your own, you will feel free to try everything and you will never give them any attention.

Being confident is not about looking good, it's about not being afraid to look bad and still try anyway. People may belittle you, people may not give you any attention but if you persevere enough... you will get what you want, you will learn how to believe in yourself.

Confidence is something to work for, don't get frustrated if you don't have any confidence yet. It only means you are not working on yourself, it only means still care about what people say.

Ignore them, just simply ignore the people around you and you will feel confident. Know what is your mission for the day and just simply try to get it. If you are eating on a fancy restaurant with rich people and elites surrounding you... just ignore them, know what is your mission. What is your mission? it is simply to eat right? so go back to your mission, just eat and never mind the people around you.

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