Dec 16, 2017


LIFE. Twenty years ago feels like it's just yesterday. Twenty years ago you're just drinking some milk in your favorite bottle but look at you now... you're a grown man with nasty beard on your face. You can do a lot of things now and you're also not doing a lot of things that you can do.

Life is scary not because of the problems that it has, but because it is too damn fast. You will never notice that you're too old to do things, you can't do the things that you use to do before. You're becoming weak, your memory is getting slower, you are getting rustier, your body is getting weaker and there is nothing you can do about it. You can't stop time, it keeps running and running, time is very scary because it will make you old, it will make you weak. It is very powerful.

Life is very fast, no matter how happy you are today, no matter how good of a person you are... you will never be able to hold it forever. So while you are still living now, while you are still capable of breathing... live your life to the fullest, do what you want and never engage with stupid things that will only make you weak and sick.

Time can also make you strong, just be patient, do something that will make you grow everyday and do it forever. You will also not notice that you're already great. Time can be your alliance or enemy, it depends on how you use it. If you use it properly then you will be rewarded, if you are wasting it then you will be punished. Time is tricky, sometimes you feel that you still have a lot of time only to find out that you have nothing anymore.

Life is very fast, it's like a blink of an eye. One day you are rich then suddenly you're poor. One day your strong then suddenly you're sick. So while you are still strong and you can still do a lot of things in your life.. don't ever waste time, don't ever waste your life. Do a lot of positive things, use your life where you will not feel regrets in the end. Use your time wisely, live your life smartly.

No one can turn back time, no one can postpone death. Life is precious so you must take care of it while you still have it. Appreciate the fact that you're still breathing and can do a lot of things. Don't get stress with the things that are not helping you at all. Ignore the small problems that you can't solve, always do the things that will make you happy and has a big reward in the end. Chase the impossible, push yourself to the limits and never hold yourself back.

You can't race with time, you can't overtake life, it will leave you behind so make the best out of it while it's still in your hands. Never waste it, use it for your own good, enjoy it as much as you can.

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