Dec 29, 2017


Don't be scared of pain because it will become your gasoline, it is your ticket to success. It will make you move if you will think of it as something that is a blessing.

If you're so sick and tired of your life and it's really painful to see yourself suffering... let that pain be your motivation, let it move you to become successful. Think about your painful environment, think about your painful situation and do something about it. Strive to live a better life, strive to become better each day.

Pain is not only in physical but it is also a mental thing. If you find yourself in pain because you need to do something but you feel that you are lacking sleep then you must do it. DO it because good things will happen after you did it, you will feel good, you will feel better.

Pain is a guide, if you think that something is painful then do it because it has big rewards. It is painful to study your lessons, it is painful to train, it is painful to face your problems but once you face the pain... you will feel better and relieved, you will feel accomplish. It will give you happiness.

So don't shy away from pain, face it, it is your motivation and gasoline, it is the only thing that will give you what you want. It is the barometer of success, the more pain you face... the more successful you will be.

If you want to end the pain then you must face it, you must deal with it, it's the only way to end it.

Pain will give you everything if you face it. It is painful to go further but it will give you more if you keep pushing. It is painful to face the challenges but behind those challenges is success.

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