Dec 28, 2017


Pursue greatness till you collapse. If it is what it takes to become successful then do it. It's ok if you collapse, it means you use all your strength and you give everything for your  dream. Don't worry because you will not die, you're just close to death.

Use all of your power, knowledge and skills. You think you're giving everything you can but you're not, just push. Push yourself to the limits and see how far you can go. Don't be afraid of getting tired because that's the main goal... to exhaust yourself by working super hard, be an animal, be relentless, don't be scared of using all of your energy.

If you feel like you're going to collapse... keep going because it means you're very near, it means you're almost there. Don't stop and don't ever make excuses. It is painful but it's worth it.

Keep going till you collapse. The money will flow, opportunities will show, your career will glow, you will reap what you sow.

You can't keep fighting because you're so afraid of getting tired and fatigued, you're so afraid of failing. Failing is normal, it is a requirement for success. Don't be afraid of it because the more you fail the more you will become a better person. Keep collapsing because you will be able to survive it, it's just pain, it will make you grow so don't be afraid of it... ever.

Take massive actions, never stop until you get what you want. So what if you fail? so what if you get tired? at least you're trying, you're not like everybody else who stays on the couch doing nothing but procrastination and stupid activity.

Make sure you will fight sleep, drink 20 redbulls a day if you need to, drink 20 coffees just to stay awake and continue your grind. Never stop until you collapse.

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