Dec 29, 2017


Some are made to die without even fighting, some are made to weather the storm. Some are made to persevere, work and wait for their situation to change while some are just waiting to lose and wait for life to be the judge on what will happen with their lives. Some are simply waiting while life is punishing them, some are making dramas and shits while some are pushing their way back to the top.

It's your choice if you want to weather the storm or not. It's your choice if you want to make a stand or start pretending to be a pussy. It's all about dealing with the uncomfortable situation and manning up, it's all about doing what you can do with the best of your abilities.

It's easy not to quit... just don't quit and that's it, if you can still take actions then do it. Never think about not doing it, never hesitate nor procrastinate.

What are you? are you the one who will never make a stand? or are you the one who will simply wait until the storm passes out? It doesn't matter how strong you are, what matters is are you willing to stay with the situation until the sun shines again.

What are you made of? are you made of glass or steel? are you tough or soft? pick your identity and never change it. Always remember that you will never die if you persevere, you will never die if you wait for the sunshine. It's all about who will stay until the end, it's all about staying until the end and never complaining about your situation.

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