Dec 31, 2017


GET BORED. As simple as that, if you want a different life then get bored. Do boring things. Do what is unenjoyable. Study hard, lift weights, attend business seminars, run marathon, improve yourself everyday, study something that will give you money.

You're enjoying your life too much that's why you can't have a better life. You are enjoying laziness, you are enjoying instant gratification. You want a different result but you're not forcing yourself. You have to sacrifice first before enjoying life. It's just a matter of conditioning your mind to become disciplined everyday. It's just a matter of enjoying boredom, once you get use to it then everything will be alright, everything will be easy... a boring activity will never become boring again because you will learn how to enjoy it.

Always think about what you're doing... is it going to improve your life one day? is it going to give you some money? or is it going to make your situation worse? think deeply, think smarter because you always knew what to do?

Whether you like it tor not, whether you admit it or now... boring activities are the only things that will give you success. Training, studying, self improvement, working hard - these activities are hard but it will give you a good life. It will put you on the right track.

Get bored now and change your life, do what you don't want to do, do what isn't cool. A lot of people wants to look cool. They want to look rich, happy, blessed. They want to have an easy and smooth sailing life. They think they can afford to become lazy. No one can afford to become lazy, if you will do it then other people around you will control you, they can do it because they work hard and they have money but you.... you are nothing.

Do what is hard and forget an easy life. Forget luxury, instant pleasure, laziness, shortcuts and vacation. Do the work now, sacrifice now and you will have an easy life for the years to come.

Who can sacrifice more can change his life. So never mind if you are feeling bad now, never mind the discomfort... just keep in mind that those have rewards in the end.

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