Dec 29, 2017


It's in you, it's in what you do. It's not in the money, cars or houses... success is within you. If you feel successful about what you're doing then you're really successful. If you feel so happy about what you achieved then you're already successful. Success is within you, it's all about how you feel. A lot of people have a lot of money but they feel terrible, they feel broke and incomplete.

The real success is what you become as a person. You become tougher, wiser and more patient while chasing success.

So it doesn't matter if you have small money, for as long as you feel confident and successful because of working hard then you're successful. It's the integrity that will make you feel big. It's knowing that you already worked hard and can still work harder that makes you feel bigger than ever.

If you manage to become successful in small things then you can manage to become successful in bigger things. The success is within you, you have it, you can create success anytime you want because you've done it from the past.

You don't chase success, you become success. You adapt the habits of becoming a successful person, you talk about it, you breathe it, you live it. It becomes you... success becomes your life.

You have it anywhere you go, you want to become successful anytime, anywhere and you are willing to work for it. You will do whatever it takes to get it.

Success is your attitude, it is your work ethic, it is your personality. You embody success, you become a good example of what a successful person looks like.

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