Dec 31, 2017


For as long as you want to do it... do it. Never mind if it's not working, it's ok. The important thing here is you love what you're doing. You will figure out how to make it successful in the end. But for the meantime just enjoy what you love to do. Enjoy the process that is making your time fast, meaning the process that has least resistance. Path of least resistance doesn't mean being lazy, it means you will still work but you will take actions that are more fun. Some people's path of least resistance is hard work that's why they do something effortlessly, they never get bored while working hard.

Never mind if it's not working because one day it will work, you will get what you deserve. The harder you work, the bigger the reward will be. Just have faith, keep the faith and never let your belief go down. It's hard to keep believing if nothing is working but it's all you can do, if you will not do it then you will fail.

Keep repeating even if it's not working, you will become good at it, your skills will stand out, you will reach another level and they will not be able to ignore you anymore because you're too good. You will become close to perfection if not perfect.

Hard work and determination can conquer all. People laughs at it, people don't believe it but it's true... hard work will never fail you. Even if you're less talented, even if you born mediocre... if you work super hard then you will become something... something that has a great value, something special.

Just work, because you really need to work even if your process is not working just to put your life on the right direction. If you will not work then you will be lost. It's just a matter of time before you become successful, if you are really working hard then you will get something, you will never get zero.

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