Dec 20, 2017


If you feel a little hope in what you're doing... that's a great sign that you must continue. Even if it is so hard and looks like very impossible to achieve... do it, keep doing it, continue and never stop.

If you still feel that somehow you have a chance... keep plodding and never stop. Because what is the point of stopping? you already suffered a lot, you've already seen the worst so there is no point in stopping now.

A little positivity, a little action, a little motivation... it's all you need. Keep moving forward even if you feel like you're not moving. Keep the fight alive, fight until the end, fight for your dreams... never let it go. Dare to push until the end. Some people almost did it but they quit, they don't know that they were only a few steps away from making it. So if you still feel a little bit that you can become successful... go for it.

There will be times when you will really feel so down because you work so hard but you can't make it in life, you will feel that the world is unfair and you are not getting what you deserve. But there are questions in life that no one can answer, the answers will only be revealed if you keep fighting until the end.

Even if there is no hope at all... still fight the fight. Keep pushing forward even if your pace is so slow You will find a way, greatness finds a way, never giving up will show you the way.

If you want to rest now go ahead, maybe you just need a few hours of nap, maybe you just need to clear the troubles in your head. Give yourself the privilege to rest but once you wake up... go back to your work right away, never make excuses that you're tired and can't do it... just do it.

The sun will shine again, you will see success in just a matter of time. Sometimes all you need to do is weather the storm, sometimes you just need to outlast the problems and challenges, sometimes all you need to do is stick with it and you will find it.

Giving up means you already lost, giving up means you're a pussy You've come so far only to give up in the end? you're not wasting energy if you are working, your energy will be wasted if you quit.

Become angry if you needed to, become mad if it will motivate you but don't every quit. Do everything you can, try everything that will make you take actions. Take desperate measures if needed.

You can find that next step, you will find that last energy in your body, if you persevere enough then all of the resources you needed will be given to you. Hang on and never give up, take it slowly, take it step by step. You will reach the finish line if you stay committed.

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