Dec 16, 2017


If you're really working hard then probably you should have a big house right now, if you're really working hard then you should have a lot of money and driving the car that you are dreaming of. But if not... then you're just pretending to be working hard, you're not working at all.

You will get results if you're really working hard, you will get everything you want, opportunities will be attracted to you. So don't ever pretend that you're working hard and nothing is happening, you can fool the public but you can't fool the universe, the universe is watching you if you're really working hard. It will reward you what you deserve. So if you're not getting what you want, it means your effort is too slow, it means you're too slow.

BE REAL. Make your hard work real, don't make a make believe hard work, don't pretend that you are pushing yourself if all you do is pull back and decide that you're just going to to it tomorrow or some days. Be honest with yourself, admit that you're lazy, admit that all you do is talk and do nothing.

And the truth is... you will never care if you don't get results after working hard. You will just push and push and push because that becomes your habit, hard work becomes you, it is embedded into your system, you feel it in every veins of your body, you can't live without it, it becomes your addiction.

If you're really working hard then you will feel good, you will feel better because real hard work will take away all of your problems, it will make you feel confident, it will make you think so positively.

You are not worrying if you are working hard, it will give you peace, it will make you feel secured. You don't care about tomorrow because all you care is taking actions. You know that taking actions and doing the right thing is the solution for everything, it will cheer up a troubled mind, it will make all of your worries disappear.

So do the work now, never make any reservations, use all of your energy. Don't be afraid to get depleted because all of your energies will come back, you will regain your strength again, you will become powerful again.

You don't want to work hard because you don't trust it, you think you will get tired. Trust hard work, put your faith into it, trust that had work will change your life, it will give you everything you want. You just need to commit and dedicate your life for it. Trust it and you don't have to worry anymore, everything will be given to you.

Look at what you are getting, if you think it's not enough then it only means you need to double or even triple your work, you can work as much as you can, never be afraid of getting tired. The work you can do is unlimited, just move and you will see how strong you are.

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