Dec 27, 2017


Whatever process you can think of... do it. If it's the hard way then do it the hard way, if it's the easy way then do it the easy way. What matters is you are doing something for your dream and you're not being lazy. Any process can give you a momentum, any process will give you results. Never hesitate to try something, you may not get the results you are expecting but still you will get something.

If you need to struggle then do it, if you need to take short cuts then do it, but beware... taking shortcuts will get you nowhere. Whatever process you can enjoy... do it. Sometimes it's not about doing it always right... it's about doing it. If you are doing it then you're killing it.

Just discover any kind of process that will give you a little result. Don't look for the big result yet, look for the small result and try to make it grow everyday.

Every process is the right process if you will take it seriously. Give your soul into it and it will give you the results you are expecting. All you need is focus, be consistent and never take it as joke. Success is not for people who are inconsistent and lazy. This is a serious matter, you should give your life into it if you want to get it.

Just try something and do it for a very long time. Trust your idea, trust your creativity. It's your duty to make your chosen process develop and grow.

Feel free, be creative, imitate if you can't be original but always stay true to your heart. Follow what your heart says. Every action is the right action, just keep your eyes on the goal and make a little improvement everyday.

Watch yourself grow, watch yourself achieving something great.

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