Mar 24, 2018


There is always a reason to be happy, even if your situation really sucks... there is still one good reason to be happy and it's your duty to find it.

If you're blind be happy because you can still walk and talk, I know I'm not on the position to say this because I'm not blind but what else can you do? make dramas and beg? you have to be brave if you don't want to get bullied, you have to be happy in order to have a positive life.

If you lost your house because the bank pulled it... be happy because you still have a car, you can still live in your car and continue your life. You can be happy with some other things, you can smile on the other side.

For sure you can find something to be happy about, all you have to do is appreciate your situation and appreciate everything that you can hold, you still have a lot of things, you are still living, life will be better to you next time. But for the meantime... learn to dance in the rain, learn to fake a smile, learn to control your emotions because that's the only thing you can do.

If you will make dramas and keep looking for sympathy then you will only look stupid, you will look like a beggar, you are not born to become a cry baby, you're born to be a fighter, a hustler and an appreciator of life.

Appreciate life, appreciate that you are still breathing, if air is the only thing that you have in your life then be happy about it.

It all starts in being positive, if you have a positive outlook n life even if your life sucks then there is a big chance that you will be able to change your life.

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