Mar 10, 2018


Fear is nothing, it cannot harm you nor kill you. But you invented it, you always think about it that's why it's slowly turning into a reality, it's turning into a monster that you cannot control anymore. All your fears are not real but you keep on thinking about it, you keep on attaching emotions into it that's why it's eating you alive. You created your fear by believing it too much, remember that fear it just a feeling and nothing more than that.

You're the creator of your fear, it keeps growing everyday poisoning your mind and making you weak. You feed it everyday, you keep thinking negative thoughts. Your fear is turning into phobia, you can't control it anymore.

The good news is... there is still a solution, you can still destroy your fear. You can ignore it and still move. Just feel it but never believe in it, it's just an emotion, it's not yet real so you still have a chance to win, never be afraid to feel it, once it is there... embrace it into your system, try to stay relax and focus on what you want to happen? if you're feeling it now, try to think... do you want to make results or not? you can only create momentum by moving forward despite of feeling the fear. You can only level up if you embrace that feeling and move anyway, you can become unstoppable despite of feeling fear.

A lot of people were stuck because of fear, they don't know that the only thing that will make them successful is by facing fear, knowing what is behind it, persisting despite of feeling it and being scared. Once you accept that fear will never leave you because you will feel it everyday... that's the time you will experience freedom. Freedom is not feeling, fear, it is being ok feeling fear.

Keep feeling the fear, you invented it so it's your obligation to destroy it, all you have to do is feel it again and again until you become tired of feeling, until you're no longer afraid to feel that feeling. Of course you will become scared again but you're welcoming fear now, you are more educated about it, you know that it can never kill you, all it can do is make you stronger.

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