Mar 20, 2018


Accept it, accept that you will get burned, accept that you will become fatigued, accept that you will really become exhausted if you are pursuing something that looks really impossible. You will cry, you will think about quitting, you will think about going home... don't worry because it's normal, every great person experienced that. No on is immune from thoughts about quitting.

Once you feel that you're burning, once you feel that you're mentally and physically tired.. congratulations, you're already on a different level, you're already succeeding. So keep going, keep getting burned, you will see yourself on top in just a matter of time.

Every time you feel tired... keep going, rest if you really need to but don't ever change your belief system, don't ever think about quitting and doing some other things. Only cowards do that, you're not one of them, you have the ability to believe in yourself and trust yourself to the fullest.

What's wrong with being tired? what's wrong with struggling? you need to experience this things in order to become tougher and wiser, you need to travel the rough road so you won't be afraid of big challenges anymore in the future.

If you can't win now, it means you still need to do a lot of improvement, it means you still need to do a lot of work. You can still reach another level, a level that will give you the success that you're looking for. SO keep burning, keep suffering, keep enduring the pain... one day you will become glorious, one day you will see the real meaning of your sacrifices. Never give up so easily because that will never give you anything, just think about it... if you give up then where will you go? there is no other way around but to move forward.

If you're going through hell keep going, that situation is only temporary.

Every effort will be rewarded in the future, every energy that you use have an equivalent reward. You just need to stick with the process until you see success.

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