Mar 31, 2018


To others, greatness has a very deep meaning, the complicate it too much, they think that it's very hard to achieve and they need a lot of greatest achievements to get it. But greatness is that so simple, greatness is simply doing something everyday even if you don't want to do it. Because if you do this style... you're already on the path of being great, you're great already. Just don't break the momentum and your greatness will never stop.

For example, if you're practicing everyday... you will become great at it, you will become superb. Nothing will stop you, you will improve everyday. Greatness never stops so you must never stop, you don't even know if you're already great, you need to focus on taking actions and just keep getting better everyday.

Greatness has no limits so you should do it everyday even if it hurts so bad, even if you feel too lazy... you need to do it, never stop until you can't do it anymore. Greatness is not about being the best, it's all about giving your best every single day of your life, you push yourself and you never get tired of pushing for more, you just keep pushing and pushing until you can't push anymore.

Once you have that momentum, once you feel that it's working... never stop, never settle, always stay hungry and keep pushing for more... it's like madness, you don't feel the limits, you don't care if you're super tired.

If you want to become great then stop looking to become one, just focus on taking actions, focus on taking risks that has rewards, never think about losing nor winning, focus on learning and feeling good. It feels good to push hard right.. you feel invincible, you feel really great because not all people can push hard like you use to.

Keep that fire burning, if it already died then try to revive it, keep that hungriness alive... never get complacent, always look for what is possible, always look for the next level of momentum.

It's ok to struggle, it's ok to taste defeats but never let that momentum die forever. You still have some momentum even if you're losing, for as long as the vision is there are you're working hard... the momentum is still alive.

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