Dec 11, 2020


Sometimes you want to build a new life on a different place, you want to leave your present home because you feel it sucks and the environment is ugly. Sometimes you want to start a new career on a different company, you think you're not getting enough credit for the hard work that you put in. Sometimes you want to have a new life because you don't like your life anymore, you have everything about your life, you hate yourself and you can't see any beautiful things in your life anymore. But what you do not know is the problem is within you, you're the one who's making your life worse by being unappreciative and complaining too much of what you're getting. You think you deserve more but you're getting less, you think you're better than anyone else but you're not proving it, you think the problem is the people around you but the power is in your hands, you have the power to change your life right away, all it takes is a change of perspective. When you change your life will change, when you start to commit to getting better then your life will become better, as simple as that. 

It all starts with what you have, you can never find a better home if you keep hating your present home. You can never find a better job if all you do is look for some negatives in your company and the people there. You can never change your life if all you do is blame the world. Why not start with what you have and turn into gold what everything you touched? why not fully appreciate your surrounding and the people there? why not fill your world with love? why not try to become better where you are? why not use everything you've got and try to make it big as it can be? the choice is yours, always yours. You have the power to change your life, you have what it takes to make it better. You can make the worse better and the better best. Why not stop complaining and just clean your house, decorate it and make it new? why not just try to work hard and stop complaining about what your company can't give you? why not look for your bad attitude and habits and try turning things around? you feel weak because you have a victim mindset, you feel that everything around you sucks but you deserve better, you can't see the beauty in your place anymore because you're so poisoned with the habit if not appreciating what you have. You know millions of people are dying to have your place, millions of people would love to take your place but they can't because they don't have the resources and skills to do so. And much worse, they lack the support, they can't believe in themselves anymore so all they do is hope. 

You're on a good position right now, you're too lucky but the reason why you're so depressed is because you can't make the things and people around you better. You're taking everyday for granted instead of trying to see what you can do to make your life better. Once you move towards improvement then your life will change right away. Clean your house, love your life, ignore what makes you feel bad, work hard to make some improvements and you will see how your life has dramatically changed. 

It's not about what is lacking in your life, it's about you not seeing what you have that makes you feeling like a loser. Start where you are with what you have and build a better life. There's no need for an instant fix because it's not true, your life will never change right away, the more you force things and become needy the more your life will fall. Do it gradually, be patient, this is a discipline, it takes time but everything is possible. 

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