Dec 20, 2020


The truth about consistency is... if you're really consistent everyday and doing what you are suppose to do then you will become a master of it. You don't need to check if you're improving or not, you already improved the moment you do the first step. There is no such thing as a dumb and stupid person, the only problem is most people were pretending to be ignorant and knows nothing. They don't want to even try, they don't want to train themselves or at least learn a skill. And that's why they can't make a progress. 

There's no secret to greatness, it's simply repetition and willing to work for a long time. There's no secret recipe to success, you just need to move and do what you're suppose to do. Just keep practicing, survive the good habits, stick with the routine and you will become great one day. Time is fast, one year is very fast, and it will become faster if you're enjoying what you're doing. Trust the process, never doubt it for a second, you have to believe it until the end, keep doing it even if it's not giving you any result. 

You don't know when you're going to become successful, the only thing you have control is your actions. It's better to be moving than waiting. Waiting will make you bored, it will make you frustrated, it will make you quit. But if you're doing something positive... you will enjoy your life, time will become faster, you will not even notice that years have passed already. 

Never feel bad if you work hard and yet didn't get anything, it's ok, your character improved, your attitude was so much better not, and that's the most important thing. It's not the result, it's the culture that you have, it's your way of life, it's your philosophy that matters. Look at those people who become successful fast, they don't know what to do anymore when they fail, it's because they don't have a philosophy or belief to use when things gets rough. They were not tested before that's why they were lost when a big challenge is on their lives. 

Just keep working hard, hard work pays off, make it as your culture, make it as your game plan. Keep pushing forward no matter what like ants. Never stop and simply focus on what you want and never focus on what you don't want. Get addicted to taking actions, stop checking for results every now and then because it will only give your frustration and depression. Always remember that it's your attitude that counts. It's your belief that matters, success  is on the way and all you have to do is keep working harder every single day. Stick with the grind, keep hustling and you will get rewarded one day. 

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