Sep 25, 2017


Don't listen to the voices in your head telling you to give up and do something else. It is telling you that your dream is unrealistic and you should follow the path of majority, don't listen to that voice, it is a liar and it is only guiding you to failure.

Stop listening to the voice telling you that you're already tired. Of course you're not tired yet, you're just bored in what you're doing. Find the joy in your work and your energy will be replenished. That voice is a voice of a quitter, you're not tired yet, you just want to see the finish line, you just want to rush your work that is why you feel so tired.

Don't listen to your critics telling you that you are not good enough, they are full of shits, they were just jealous because you're doing something real. You're doing what they can't do that is why they were so jealous of you. They want what you have so keep going and do your thing, never take your eyes off to your goal. One day you're going to make it, you're almost there so keep moving.

Don't listen to your intuition telling you that you're wrong, not all of your feelings were right. If your feeling is not agreeing with your decision then it is a wrong feeling, it is tricking you and making you stop what you're doing.

Don't listen to your boss telling you that your work sucks. If you did your best then your work is a masterpiece. You know in your self if you become sloppy with your work, if you feel that you give everything you got then be proud of your work and never listen to anyone.

The game of not listening is very cool, it will make you feel invincible, it will keep you going until the end. It will make you a single minded person who is so focus on his goals. It will make you free and move faster than before.

Don't listen to an idea if it is not helping you, don't listen to an information that is pulling you down, once you hear something like that... play the game of not listening.

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