Sep 25, 2017


If you can face stress then it means you are ready for success. Facing stress is really scary and difficult but you have no choice but to face it because behind it is success, you have no choice but to face discomfort because it is the gatekeeper of success.

For example, if you want money then you need to face the stress of applying for a job, you need to face the stress of talking to sarcastic and power tripper people. It is what it is, you have to face it if you want to enjoy life even more. You need to have money in order to buy the things that you need and give your family a good life. You need to become uncomfortable first before you become comfortable.

Discomfort is the requirement of comfort, that is why only few are getting rich, that is why most people are not happy. Most people wanted to become happy right away, they will buy shits that they don't need, they will travel a lot without saving some money, they will shop a lot, eat a lot and time will come when they found themselves on a bad spot. They will discover that they are only fooling themselves for a very long time.

Those who work super hard in the beginning will have more time to relax in the end but those who didn't do anything with their lives will live a miserable life in the end. It is like investing pain for happiness, feel the stress now so you can enjoy life even more in the end.

Have the courage to face it, you think that stress is painful because you are scared, the fear makes the stress stronger even more. You will just move, what is so difficult about it? You will just process the process, what is so difficult about it. Maybe you are not afraid of the stress but rather you are afraid of taking actions, which one is real?

If you want to have a better position in life.. make yourself uncomfortable, face stress, don't shy away from it. Be a grown man or woman who is ready to face anything.

If you want to have a comfortable life... get uncomfortable now.

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