Sep 18, 2017


1. Avoid negative people. Stay away from people that spreads negativity. Never talk to someone who is only making you feel bad and weak. Never associate yourself with someone who is destroying your confidence and not seeing your value. Negative people will suck your energy big time and they will never left something for you. They will suck all of your energy until you can't do anything anymore.

2. Push yourself. If will push yourself then you will find the energy to go further. Even if you are so tired... once you push yourself then you will be surprised that you surpass the difficulty of the given task. Push yourself, just move slowly and you will find the energy to keep going.

3. Be active. The more you move and stay active the more you will get energy. Exercise, move your body, keep the blood in your body flowing. People who are always lying on bed, sitting and doing nothing are more prone to fatigue and sickness. If you want to have more energy in life... keep yourself busy. Join sports, recreation and any other activities that requires strength. Try to compete, join competition that will force you to condition your body.

4. Have a goal. Pursuing a goal will give you more energy because you have something to aim for. You will become more motivated and determined. Pursue your goal and take it seriously. If you have goals then you will become more serious in life, you will have a purpose and that will give you more energy to do more things to accomplish your goal.

5. Reserve a mantra when you're already tired. Have a self talk when you're already tired, whisper something to your brain. Phrases like "I can do this", "one step at a time", " I am strong", "I have what it takes to win", "this is for my baby". If you can find the right words to keep you going then you will find the energy that doesn't exist and you will be able to win any difficult challenge.

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