Sep 30, 2017


If you're screwing up your life right now... you're a big dumb because you only have one life. Who are you to not make something out of your life? your life is not yours, it will be taken away from you anytime soon so don't relax and pretend that tomorrow you can change your life right away so you have the luxury to take today for granted.

There is no second chance, once you have the chance now... grab it and treat it like your life depends on it... that is they only way to become successful. A lot of you thinks that there is a second chance that is why you can waste the opportunity presented now, that is not how success works. Once you have the chance to become successful... grab it and never let go of it.


1. Because they are so comfortable with their situation right now. They think that their situation will never change. They are not feeling the sense of urgency, they feel like everything is alright and it is ok to not work hard because their life is stable and they have this illusion that everything is under control. They take an opportunity for granted, they don't treasure it.

2. They are getting some support from somewhere. They knew someone will always give a helping hand when they screw up, they are not taking things seriously because somebody will clean up their mess. They have their rich parents that are spoiling them, they have supportive friends and relatives that will pamper them when they fail.

3. They are not serious with their goals. They think they want it but when things gets hard and they think they have no chance... they will give up, they will make excuses and do something else that is very easy. Or maybe they will try again next time because they think that they will do better next time only to find out that they let the best chance go away.

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