Sep 20, 2017


If you will just stop talking and start doing then you will be on a better position. Stop telling them what you will do and how are you going to do it.. move now, start now and never stop until you're completely done. Because you're just wasting a lot of time talking, those time wasted could have been used to make little progress.

Everyone can talk but not everyone can fulfill his promise. It's better to work silently than to talk loud without even accomplishing anything. Talk is cheap, it is for lazy people, it is very easy to do and it has no rewards in the end. If talking can make someone successful then everyone is successful.

Replace talking with doing and accomplish something. Talking is for the weak, it is for the ones who can't move. Move your hands, feet and brain instead of your mouth. Do something to put yourself on a better position to succeed. Moving is easy if you will make it a habit.

Some people will pretend that they want to do something so they will just talk. For example, someone is wishing that he could help a country that is experiencing a calamity. He is wishing for safe blah blah blah on the social media. If he really wanted to help then there are millions of ways how to help even if he is from a far country.

There are no results in talking, it is all just words, it is all just noise. It will never make a difference. But if you will take actions and relentless effort... then somehow you will produce hope, you will make a momentum that will lead to results.

Stop talking shit, we all know who is real and who's not. Stop fooling the public and pretending that you work hard and wanted to do things.

Be real, there is no truth in talking, there is hope in doing.

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