Sep 20, 2017


Weakness and kindness is very different. Some people are kind because they can't stand for what they think is right, they are so afraid of tension and uncomfortable situations so they will just let someone or something dominate them without even saying something. They can't express themselves, they are holding themselves back and that makes them look kind.

But deep inside those people who look kind are violent, they want to make a revenge but they can't do it, they want to explode and make a statement but they can't do it because they are weak. If you are truly kind then you shouldn't feel anything if someone did bad things to you, you will just let it go without even feeling a little hurt. THAT IS STRENGTH... that is true strength, being kind and not giving any attention to people who did bad things to you. It is because you know that there are more better things to happen, there are more things that are important.

Being weak is trying to look kind but wanting to hurt someone. That is weakness because you weren't able to express yourself. The real kindness is simply doesn't giving a shit to useless things, it is not hurting you, it is not making you feel bad... you're not creating a war... that is the real kindness, that is real power because you don't need to express yourself anymore. You just live your life and you don't let petty things bother you.

The weak are the people who express kindness but it is not their true colors, they are pretending to look cute and kind because they don't want other people to say nasty things at them.

So if you want to become really kind... give kindness and expect nothing in return, be passive but don't feel bad. Because if you act kind but you are so affected... that is not kindness that is weakness.

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