Sep 25, 2017


How fast are you in making decisions? how fast are you in taking actions? that is the biggest question. Speed is the one of the most important ingredient to success.

It's ok if you're not talented, smart, gifted or whatever for as long as you're fast in moving and making decisions, you will be fine, you will make it in life. The incognitive skills are the skills you needed not the cognitive itself. You need to become a hardworker, disciplined, dedicated and your endurance must be on a different level.

Just be fast, no need to think about anything else. Just be fast in passing your project, be a fast worker, be fast in replying to your clients, be fast doing what you needed to do. I am very sure a lot of people will be happy at you because a lot of people loves speed. They want progress and momentum.

If you are fast in taking actions then you will get a lot of opportunities, you will meet a lot of people, you will experience a lot and gain a lot of knowledge.

Be fast in execution, just do as much as you can and never stop even if you're really tired. This world has no room for slow people. You need to be ahead from others and dominate the competition. If you want to go to the top.. you must be one of the fastest people in this world.

It's very easy, just force yourself to take actions, what is difficult about that? just move your feet, hands, fingers and use a little bit of your brain. Keep doing it until you become successful.

How fast can you move on? If someone rejected you, if you've been cut in a varsity team, if your crush breaks your heart... how fast can you move on and forget things. You must also manage your emotions very fast, you be fast in forgetting negative experiences.

Success loves speed, it doesn't necessarily mean that you're like a flash superhero when it comes to moving. You just need to decide fast and move in a pace that is faster than your natural pace.


1. Forget the results, just move and stick with the process. Take it step by step until you're done.
2. Don't strive for perfection, do what you can do with the best of your abilities.
3. Stop taking a break every now and then. People are so unproductive because they can't focus on what they do. They take a break even if they don't need it, they go to comfort room, drink coffee, etc. They always find an excuse to avoid finishing the task.
4. Pretend that you love it. If you can pretend that you love what you're doing then time will fly and you will be able to go home early. You will forget how difficult the task was. And the good thing about it is you will really learn how to love your work, it will become a reality, you are not pretending anymore.
5. Master the skill needed. Once you master something, you can do it even when eyes closed. You will become confident, you will only make mistakes sometimes, your work is almost close to perfect.

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