Sep 26, 2017


Don't talk instead create numbers, create repetition, create money and results. That is the best way to live a life with integrity, passion and happiness.

If you will just create words, promises and expectations for other people then you will never succeed in life, people will never trust you because they know that you're all about talk and nothing more than that. But if you can produce results little by little and incrementing it everyday... people will love you, people will give their trust to you.

Create 100 pushups a day, make it a habit. Stop talking about how hard you work out, instead just work out and create repetition that will give you results. Talking is for the weak people, all they do is talk but they can never prove it.

But if you can create numbers, if you can show an evidence to people.. then you will become successful even more, they will do business with you, they will talk to you and share success with you.

People who creates numbers are far better than people who just create words. Talking is very easy, moving is hard. The harder ones are more reliable than the easy ones. You are only lying to yourself if you keep on talking and not even executing any small step at all.

Anyone can say he is good, anyone can fool people through flowery words but people will guard you until the end, they wan to see if you're the real deal or not. You can fool them once but not twice.

If you want people to trust you, if you want to have a name for yourself... create numbers not words. Show them something to believe in, show them that you're the man and you have the evidence and history to prove how great you are.

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