Sep 25, 2017


Your problematic about the problems that are not even considered as a real problem. That is why you are having a hard time in your life, all you see is problems, you never see the bright things in life. You are the judge if something is a problem or not. Your perspective is your pain reliever, if your perspective is always positive then pain will not stay longer in your system.

TRIM YOUR PROBLEMS. If something is bothering you, if it is making you feel bad... think deeply if it is a real problem or not. Because sometimes you are the only one who is giving yourself a suffering, you see something as a problem even if it is not a real problem.

CHOOSE YOUR PROBLEMS. Life is not a real life if you don't have a problem, you will experience problems even if you are such a good person. But the good thing is you can choose your problems. You can decide if you will consider a small thing a problem or not. If you will choose a problem that is nonsense and will only derail your success then it's a stupid move but if you will choose a problem that is beneficial such us pursuing a goal and facing the difficulties, helping a friend or relative that is sick then that is a good move because those are more meaningful problems and can make your life or someone's life better.

Trim your problems, you have a lot of problems that doesn't even matter. You think about your noisy neighbor, traffic, unpaid bills, broken shoes, flat tire etc. Those are not real problems because you can make a quick fix out of it.

Life will become easier if you will not make everything that bothers you a big deal. Make your life simple, don't think too much, don't control too much. Any problem can be solved if you will think deeper and recognize its real meaning. Once you give deeper meaning to something then you will know if it's a real problem or not.

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