Sep 25, 2017


If you are good in handling your emotions then you will live an amazing and easier life. People do things because of emotions. They do stupid things because they think that it will make them very happy only to find out that they are still not happy in the end.

They will buy new shirts, shoes, bags etc. because it gives them emotions, it makes them happy for a while, they can't control their excitement. It is important for them to feed their cravings even though it will make them broke in the end. They knew they don't have extra money but they still choose to make wrong decisions because it gives them temporary pleasure.

Successful people are very good in controlling their emotions. They don't easily fall into the trap of feeling good at the moment, they can detect temporary pleasures from long term success, they can differentiate what is important and not important.

So don't feel bad if your daddy didn't buy you jordan 11, he knows what is best for you and your family. He is wise and old enough to make the right decisions in life. There are some kids who will cry if their request was not granted and there are also kids who will not cry and accept what was given to them with no resentment in their hearts. Kids who didn't cry are happier, they can control their emotions and they don't feel any form of hatred towards their father, these kinds are likely to succeed in the future because they can handle their emotions with class.

A person who is so angry can kill someone not because he is a killer but because of his bursting emotion, he is so angry he doesn't know what he is thinking of anymore. That is why criminals are losers, that is why they end up in jail... they don't know how to handle their emotions, they let their emotions control them.

Did you ever feel attracted to a woman with sexy body but has not so good looks? you want to court her and take her to your home right? you feel something for her even if she is not that beautiful, that is how strong emotion is... it can make you fall in love it can make you do something that you can't even explain.

That is why politicians were good in convincing people... they make the people emote, they make the people feel something about their speech so they will get a lot of votes. That is why marketers who are really good can earn a lot of money, they will let you feel something about their products so they can easily convince you to buy their products.

Emotion is a powerful thing, it controls everything. If your enemy throws a garbage in your backyard you will get mad, you will explode like a bomb but if your not so close friend throws something at your backyard, you will never feel anything, why is that? it is because you feel something for your enemy, you didn't like him from the very beginning that is why anything that he do makes you really really mad. But how come you didn't get so upset if your friend throws something at your backyard? It is because you do not feel any negative emotion for him from the very beginning.

So if you want to live a better life... try to control your emotions, once you can control your emotions then you can control everything. Don't feel bad for small things that doesn't even make an impact to your success, don't feel bad when someone disrespects you because it is nothing, if it didn't make you feel anything then it will never affect your life.

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