Sep 22, 2017


If you want to become really successful... you should enjoy your own product. A product that you made by yourself. A product of your work, a product of your business, a product of your imagination, a product of your ideas, etc. Because that is the only way to become really focused on your own life... enjoying what you have and making it better everyday. And even if your product is failing... still enjoy it anyway.

If you keep on watching other people, products, videos, ideas, life and success then you will never have time for yourself, and even if you have time... that time will be so little.

ENJOY YOUR OWN SUCCESS EVEN IF IT IS LITTLE. The only way to multiply your success and make it bigger is to enjoy it, if you keep on enjoying the little success that you are experiencing everyday then you will experience bigger success in the future. It doesn't matter if it is little, what matters is you are appreciating it and you are focusing in your own life. Focusing on your winnings will make you enjoy your journey even more, you will witness your growth and you will feel really successful.

So if you're a writer... keep writing. Read other people's work but only for the sake of reading it and not comparing your work. Read some other books because you want it and not to become a big fan or something. You should be your own fan and idol... that is how to become successful because you will enjoy what you are doing every second of your life.

Even if your product is not that good to many... still enjoy it and still create more products. If you're a you tube creator then keep creating videos and never mind if you're not getting any views. it's all about enjoying your own work and little results... that is how to attract success even more. The explanation for this is you are getting better each day, you are improving your own products and little by little people will like you because of your perseverance.

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