Aug 16, 2018


Sometimes people are over thinking that's why they can't produce results, you know what? it's not about how great you are, it's about how big of a progress you can get. You can become great at something, you can really really become great because you think you are working hard and suffering but if you're not producing results then that greatness is still nothing. It's like making a huge product and exerting all of your efforts there but if it's not giving you any money then that effort is useless, yo u will feel bad in the end, you will feel that there is something missing.

Greatness is nothing if you're not getting what you want, you better do something else, try something else that will give you results.

Results is what matters the most, results is what people want. Greatness will look like nothing if you can't prove to the world that you can produce results.

So don't chase for greatness, chase for results, that's the truth about life. You can be great at something but if you're not satisfied with it then it's still not greatness.

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