Oct 3, 2019


So if you're cleaning your room right now then you're a cleaner, if you're studying your books now then you're a student, if you're hating the people around you now then you're a hater, if you're scared tight now then you're a coward and a loser, if you're taking care of your family then you're a good father right now. What you are feeling now, what you are doing now, what you are agreeing now is your identity, it's your life and the more you do it and feel the same way... the more you will live that way. The good thing about identity is you can change it anytime you want to. You can only have one identity at a time, you can never have two identities. What you are doing now, what you are thinking now is your identity, the question is... are you happy with your identity?

Change your identity now, if you're a slow worker in the past, if you're lazy yesterday then be a hardworker now, as simple as that. It's too easy, this is not a complicated thing, you can do it if you want it. So if you want to become rich now then change your identity to rich, stop the poverty mindset, stop the dramas and complaints, stop being lazy. Do what rich people do and you will become rich. If you want to have a better life now then start getting serious, do what you need to do, you know it right? you know it well so what are you waiting for? You can change, the moment you change your thoughts and actions then you already changed, as simple as that. So don't ever think that it's very hard to change, it's hard because you're not controlling your thoughts, you're simply going with the flow, you're letting something dictate your life.

Your Character can be changed in an instant, it all depends on how much you use your willpower. Just because you're lazy yesterday doesn't mean you're lazy forever. Just because you're useless for years doesn't mean you're useless forever, your identity can change in an instant. Stop believing your emotion, stop believing the people around you telling you you're useless, stop remembering the past about how well you failed and how well you take your life for granted. You have to create a new belief now, this can be done. Most people can't change because they don't want to get uncomfortable. Change is just a matter of embracing discomfort and forgetting your old identity, forget your bad and lazy memories, forget everything that happened. Change your thoughts, change your actions, start a new beginning.

So whatever is happening right now... don't let it fool you, don't let it make you stupid decisions. You can always change your life, you can always change your identity. So if you're a beggar a few seconds ago and then you decided to do it your way and try to become rich by your own terms... you're already rich. Just make sure you will never go back to that beggar mentality. Once you decide to change your identity... never go back to your old self, completely leave it forever. 

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