Jun 20, 2018


You feel bad... feel it, don't resist it, don't fight it... just feel it, you need to feel it so it will go away. The more you resist it the more it will go stronger. You need to be ok feeling any kind of emotion and stop amplifying it by thinking about negative things. If you feel it then just feel it, don't give it another negative meaning, don't try to make dramatic scenes about it, don't ever feel that you're a victim, don't ever feel that there is something wrong with you. It's life, you are suppose to feel different kind of emotions, that's the beauty of life, you have the ability to feel, that makes it exciting even more.

Feel the pain, don't try to resist it, don't try to get some attention from it, just feel it and you will learn that it's not that bad. Stop making excuses, stop trying to get sympathy from other people, it's there not to make you weak... it's there to make you strong, you only become weaker because you don't have the right perspective about pain. If you can only know the real meaning of it then you will be fine. A lot of people were quitting because of pain because they are making it a big deal, they don't know that it's really part of their life. If you're not feeling any pain then you're not living anymore, as simple as that.

It's all about feeling it, it's all about appreciating any kind of emotion because that builds mental toughness, that builds emotional immune system that you can use in the future to become successful. Every time you endure and embrace any negative emotion... you become stronger and wiser, your ability to adapt to any place or situation is going to a different level. Because life is all about toughness, life is all about having the ability to play with any kind of emotions and thriving of it.

It's just a feeling, try to think about it, it will never kill you, it will never hurt you... all it can do is make you feel bad. Don't dwell on it too much and never try to make it a big deal, feel it and try to take actions despite of feeling it. Never give it any importance, it's just a feeling, it doesn't even matter at all.

Let that emotions run in your system, the moment you accept it is the moment it will become weaker, if you can just be ok with feeling any negative emotion then you will become unstoppable, nothing will hurt you anymore, of course you will still feel bad in any given time but you will be able to manage it easily. You will be able to make adjustments and think the right way.

Don't be scared of any emotions, it's only giving spice to your life, it's only giving you a challenge that will make you stronger once you overcome it, it's making you remember the importance of life. It's showing you the right perspective about life... life is about embracing everything no matter how bad it is.

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